
Freight Forwarding Service For US

Freight Forwarding

Unit International specializes in providing local and global transportation solutions to its customers. Our expertise, reliable track record and a passion for customer satisfaction are designed to meet the needs of today's fast-paced world. Whether you are bringing shipments into the U.S. or exporting shipments to other parts of the world, Unit International can get it there.

Competitive Freight Forwarding Rates and Professional Service 

Here are a few of the services Unit International offers:

Unit International has strong relationships with international, national and regional transportation companies so you get the most competitive rates possible without compromising service.  

Unit International can handle ALL transportation from "dock to door" - air, land and sea - you make one call to Unit International and we'll do the rest.

Unit International has over 40 + years of experience so you can be assured that we'll wade through all of the government requirements and legalities so you don't have to.

Unit International will negotiate the best possible rate to move your products along the most economical route. We'll help you balance cost, speed and reliability!

Unit International Freight Forwarding can also help you with special needs like refrigeration, re-working, warehousing, hazardous material handling and more. Just ask!  Unit Moves!  

