
U.S. Expert Exports Services and
The Global Marketplace

ship traffic in the global marketplace
Unit International understands the global marketplace and U.S. exports!
When we speak about exports, we mean the billions of dollars generated when U.S. companies sell their U.S. made products overseas.  Are you part of this worldwide economy?  If not, you may want to consider joining. Why? Here's a few good reasons...
    • Increase sales and profit
    • Reduce dependence on the domestic market
    • Stabilize seasonal fluctuations
    • Nearly 96 percent of consumers live outside the U.S.
    • Two-thirds of the world’s purchasing power is in foreign countries.
Now aren't those good reasons to join the global marketplace? But if the prospect of exporting intimidates you, no worries. There's help!

Contact Your Local Small Business Association and Chamber of Commerce

These organizations are a wealth of knowledge and can be a huge support. The Small Business Association has resources to help you put together a U.S. export business plan, conduct market research and find buyers. The Chamber of Commerce often hosts trips to foreign countries and arranges meetings with potential partners. This is a valuable offering that can convert into increase sales right away. So make a point to contact these organizations.

Unit International - Your Export Expert

Once you've determined your foreign market, contact us to discuss that countries import regulations, duties and other requirements. We can help you identify all the costs associated with moving your product from it's U.S. manufacturer to final destination. Unit International can also file the required U.S. export documents and arrange the import of your product through a broker in the foreign country. So wherever your business takes you in the global marketplace... Unit International can get it there!